If you live in Spain, you can travel to Lisbon anytime you want. The distance is short, and you might not have too many financial difficulties. However, if you live elsewhere, like the UK, Russia, or the USA, you have to seriously start thinking about saving up money for the best vacation ever. I have always recommended three main ways of saving up money. You can choose one and commit yourself to it till the end. They are all proved and tested, you just need to go for the most suitable option.
Savings Accounts
No matter how complicated the banking system is, it can be very beneficial. I’m more than sure that you’ll be lost in terms and numbers in the beginning.
This is why you should spend quality time with consultants, the customer service of the bank of your choice, and simply people who understand something from banking. They will help with the research on main points, for example, the isa limit 2013, the conditions, and finally opening of the account.
If you receive salary on regular basis, then a year might be enough for saving up a decent amount money for the vacation in Lisbon.
Travel Grants
You can always combine travel with work. If you have a suitable profession, occupation, or better, if you’re still enrolled in some form of education, you can apply for numerous research, study and travel grants.
The worst part is the application process, the information you have to gather and tell them. On the other hand, the majority of grants don’t cover 100% of expenses, you still have to co-fund it. Despite that, 50% or even 25% of support will be more than helpful.
Another minus of such grants is that they’re basically an exchange. They give you the money, and you have to show them work-done, whether it’s a project or an academic article, you have to stress a clear purpose and fulfill it during or after the trip. Considering the cultural heritage of Lisbon, the task is not that difficult, if your profession fits in.
Personal Banking
Finally, we come to the most difficult way of saving up. You’d think being your own accountant is easier, but there is too much temptation going on here. You can start a piggy bank or keep a locked box, but the thought that you do have money to spend won’t let you rest.
It’s easier when someone else is collecting your money. Another option would be getting a volunteer as a personal accountant. Your sister, brother, mom, best friend, and anyone who you trust, can save your money up. This way you won’t have a direct access to the treasures reserved for Lisbon.
In any case, I hope you’ll be so rich that there won’t even be a necessity for saving up. In the worst case, you’ll sell one of your mansions and travel the whole Portugal. Until then, get your to-do list and put the first Euro into the bank account or the piggy bank right now!