Many words are said in the online discussions about how and where to rest: on a beach in Turkey, or with bicycles in Vietnam, in comfortable Europe or at the North Pole, taking a cruise alone or choose a savage rest in a tent with the whole family. Despite heated debate, mainly different kinds of vocations do not interfere with each other: lovers of cruise peacefully sunbathe on the upper deck, and “savage” vocation lovers happily move from bus to bus in Cambodia, drinking local drinks with local residents at least.
All the tourists, sooner or later, peacefully get on – with one single exception. Vacationers can not live with groups of children. We don’t mean specialized camps, where the energy of toddlers and teenagers deliberately drive into a peaceful track, fenced to the same high fence. And not about the “lucky”, encumbered by one or two Orthodox or Catholic family with many children, or “lucky” people, who tried to escape in the long-awaited vacation to spend it in the bosom of their families.
It is much worse when the a group of children goes for a journey for knowledge and health. The students, separated from the school and parental authority are ready for all to make and earn the respect of fellow stand out and earn the respect of friends. Alas, in such a young age respect gets not the one who knows more, or the most efficient, but the one who shouts the loudest of all, spits beyond all and whose leprosy affect most people around him.
The administration of airlines and hotels is well aware of this feature. That is why, in the regulation of transportation it is most often recorded, that 10-12 students must be accompanied by at least one teacher. Because teacher can not handle the large number of teenagers. And the more young the children are the difficult it is to control the group. Airlines are ready to make the schools comply with these rules: recently in the UK an aircraft dropped a group of schoolchildren, where there were only 2 teachers with 28 students. The students wanted to go on an excursion to Venice, but in Bristol they were first allowed on board, but then landed from the plane because of a lack of maintenance. And neither contacting the tour operator, nor to the administration of the airport did not give any result.
A lot of scandals happen every summer, due to the fact that students are not allowed to live in the hotels mentioned by the operators, or because tour agencies are required to pay for the placement of children, and often pay for a broken equipment by teams that previous visited the hotel! Of course, many parents think that children are defenseless babies and can do nothing while they are abroad, so they become easy prey to unscrupulous operators. Share there is a little truth in this. There are many scammers among the travel agents and tour operators.
It is practically impossible to imagine a couple jumping on the bed, checking its strength, or fighting on the beach umbrella, but for students it is rather a rule than an exception. So imagine the amount of damage from recreational teams for children in the hotel and how many hotels in general agrees to let a group of schoolchildren. As well as the questionable pleasure of rest of the tourists, who accidentally found themselves in the same hotel. Especially if it is Turkish or Egyptian, and even Bulgarian all-inclusive. At the hotel (often tiny ones, as big and luxurious do not take in students) you can not escape groups of noisy young people. Especially during the summer holidays, when young people travel without their parents, they can have fun all night long. Most often, young people do all the same no matter how old they are – ten or sixteen.
Unfortunately, high qualities are rarely brought up now in the younger generation, and compared with the behavior of schoolchildren grow dim, even for infants and tricks of kinder garden children for so annoyed tourists coming to relax from work and family. So everyone who goes on a vacation, should first check the hotel: there is a possibility that the travel agency you chose has just become a new venue for children’s camp.