One major advantage of a globalised world is the increased access it gives us to a range of products and services. While some of these will of course be immediately recognisable, such as the availability of vehicles produced in Germany or electronics produced in China, others may not be so obvious.
An often-overlooked benefit of a globalised world is the access it gives us to enjoy services within other countries – often through researching them first on the internet. People increasingly enjoy being able to shop around for the best deal, especially when the product or service they’re shopping for is a particularly expensive one – such as a physical, medical procedure.
This has helped give medical tourism a boost, with more and more people going abroad for expensive treatments which could otherwise set them back a small fortune in the UK. There’s an increasing awareness that medical facilities in other countries offer excellent value while following world-class safety standards.
This positive attitude has opened the door further for dental tourism, as increasing numbers of British people look elsewhere for braces, dental crowns and implant treatments. A number of countries provide dentists which actively seek out people from the UK and they have streamlined the process to make it as easy and efficient as possible.
Dentistry in Poland has become a popular choice for clients seeking treatment, as there are practices which charge up to 60% less than UK prices for a wide range of treatments and dental therapies. This has helped countless Brits access dental solutions, such as porcelain veneers, helping them achieve the smile they’ve always wanted without worrying about imperfections.
UK-based companies are now offering clients the information they need to receive these treatments, with businesses such as Polish My Smile helping Brits to understand what options they have at their disposal.
Polish My Smile is a particularly good example as they specialise in dental implants and restoration. The treatments usually require two trips to Poland, at a cost of £1100 per tooth – much cheaper than a similar procedure would cost in the UK.
So perhaps it’s no surprise that the company has been enjoying increased trade as more and more Brits realise that medical care abroad can be extremely effective and safe when they look elsewhere for treatment.